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These ceramic "Celebrating Chicago Bungalows" plaques are skillfully handcrafted and glazed by local artisan, Ron Mazanowski. The design is Ron's creatively modified version of the Chicago Bungalow Association's original logo and Chicago Bungalow Historic District signs.


Each plaque is weather resistant and comes with a notch on the back for easy mounting on a wall or on the exterior of your historic Chicago bungalow. (If you're mounting it on your exterior brick, make sure you're anchoring into the mortar between bricks, NOT into the bricks themselves!)


Celebrate Chicago Bungalows!

Chicago Bungalow Ceramic Plaque

SKU: 364215375135191
  • We are currently restocking this item. Check back soon!

    These ceramic "Celebrating Chicago Bungalows" plaques are skillfully handcrafted and glazed by local artisan, Ron Mazanowski. The design is Ron's creatively modified version of the Chicago Bungalow Association's original logo and Chicago Bungalow Historic District signs.

    Each plaque is weather resistant and comes with a notch on the back for easy mounting on a wall or on the exterior of your historic Chicago bungalow. (If you're mounting it on your exterior brick, make sure you're anchoring into the mortar between bricks, NOT into the bricks themselves!)

    Celebrate Chicago Bungalows!

  • Free shipping. Package shipped by artist via USPS.

Ā© 2020 Stowarzyszenie ChirurgĆ³w Poznańskich
Chicago Bungalow Association jest korporacją non-profit w stanie Illinois zwolnioną z federalnego podatku dochodowego zgodnie z sekcją 501 (c) (3)

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