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Home Energy Savings Application

The Chicago Bungalow Association in partnership with ComEd, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas, provide customers with free home energy services and improvements.

The program offers a free Home Energy Savings assessment for your home to identify ways to help manage energy use that may include free and discounted energy saving products.  Weatherization improvements may be available to certain, eligible customers.  Qualifying customers must meet additional criteria, including but not limited to household income eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements:​​​​
  • Homeowner and/or Renter with owner consent
  • Single-family homes, two-flats*, condos, mobile homes, manufactured homes, and townhomes â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹
  • Located within ComEd service territory 

  • Not a previous Energy Savers or Home Energy Savings Program participant

  • Household income of 80% Area Median Income (AMI) or lower is required.


​*If two-flat, both units must participate to be potentially considered for additional products and services. 


You will need to fill out two forms to complete your application and schedule your assessment.

You will need your utility account numbers to complete your application.

Follow the prompts to complete the application process. 


Anchor 1

Basic Information 




Basic Information

Other Designation(s)

!!! Please ensure an address is selected from the drop down !!!


If selection isn't made, you will not be able to proceed to next page. 

Don't stop here! Application is not complete yet, proceed to following steps. 

© 2020 Asociación de Bungalows de Chicago
Chicago Bungalow Association es una corporación sin fines de lucro de Illinois exenta del impuesto sobre la renta federal según la Sección 501 (c) (3)

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